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Newsline For The Blind: Accessing News For Visually Impaired

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Home NM Commission for the Blind from www.cfb.state.nm.us
Newsline for the Blind

News is an essential part of our lives. It keeps us informed about current events and helps us stay up-to-date with the latest happenings. However, for people who are visually impaired, accessing news can be a challenging task. That's where Newsline for the Blind comes in.

What is Newsline for the Blind?

What is Newsline for the Blind

Newsline for the Blind is a free service provided by the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) that allows visually impaired individuals to access newspapers and magazines from around the country. This service provides access to over 300 newspapers and magazines, including some of the most popular publications in the United States.

How does Newsline for the Blind work?

How does Newsline for the Blind work

To use Newsline for the Blind, users must have a subscription to the service. Once subscribed, users can access the service through a phone or computer. Using a phone, users can call a toll-free number to access the service, while using a computer, users can access the service through a web browser.

Once logged in, users can browse and select the newspapers and magazines they want to read. The service provides access to both current and past issues of publications, so users can catch up on news they may have missed.

Who can use Newsline for the Blind?

Who can use Newsline for the Blind

Newsline for the Blind is available to anyone who is visually impaired and has access to a phone or computer. The service is free to use and provides a valuable resource for people who may otherwise struggle to access news.

What are the benefits of using Newsline for the Blind?

What are the benefits of using Newsline for the Blind

The benefits of using Newsline for the Blind are numerous. First and foremost, the service provides visually impaired individuals with access to news and information that they may not be able to access otherwise. This can help them stay informed and engaged with the world around them.

Additionally, the service is easy to use and provides access to a wide range of publications. This means that users can find news and information that is relevant and interesting to them.

How can I sign up for Newsline for the Blind?

How can I sign up for Newsline for the Blind

To sign up for Newsline for the Blind, simply visit the National Federation of the Blind's website and fill out the online registration form. Once registered, users can start using the service right away.

People Also Ask About Newsline for the Blind

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Newsline for the Blind:

1. Is Newsline for the Blind free?

Yes, Newsline for the Blind is a free service provided by the National Federation of the Blind.

2. How many publications are available through Newsline for the Blind?

Newsline for the Blind provides access to over 300 newspapers and magazines from around the country.

3. How do I access Newsline for the Blind?

Newsline for the Blind can be accessed through a phone or computer. Users can call a toll-free number or access the service through a web browser.

4. Who can use Newsline for the Blind?

Newsline for the Blind is available to anyone who is visually impaired and has access to a phone or computer.

5. How do I sign up for Newsline for the Blind?

To sign up for Newsline for the Blind, visit the National Federation of the Blind's website and fill out the online registration form.

FAQ Page


Newsline for the Blind is a valuable resource for visually impaired individuals who want to stay informed and up-to-date with the latest news and information. The service is easy to use, provides access to a wide range of publications, and is completely free. If you or someone you know is visually impaired, consider signing up for Newsline for the Blind today.

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